Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Tuesday DEC 18th

I hope everyone had a great Snow Day yesterday!

Remember we meet for our midterm on Thursday! It will be 60 scantron questions and a short-answer essay question pertaining to "Akeelah and the Bee" (and these questions were already discussed in class---there are no surprises on the mid-term....please come prepared! STUDY :)

Saturday, December 15, 2007

Edline Grades

I will post all new Edline Grades on Monday. This will allow students to see their grades prior to the midterm. The midterm test will count as two test grades toward their second term grade.

Friday, December 14, 2007

Friday DEC 14th

Today we continued watching "Akeelah and the Bee". Remember that you need to cafefully watch the movie so you are able to answer one of the essay questions that we discussed yesterday on your mid-term.

Again, for the remainder evenings, I hope that you are studying and preparing a good study guide. You may choose to use the back of the small slip of paper I gave you as a "Cheat sheet". This cheat sheet, however, may not include any information that will help you answer the essay question.

Thursday, December 13, 2007

Thursday DEC 13th

Today we began watching "Akeelah and the Bee". Remember that you need to cafefully watch the movie so you are able to answer one of the essay questions that we discussed yesterday on your mid-term.

Again, for the remainder evenings, I hope that you are studying and preparing a good study guide. You may choose to use the back of the small slip of paper I gave you as a "Cheat sheet". This cheat sheet, however, may not include any information that will help you answer the essay question.

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Wednesday Dec 12th

I unveiled today the movie you will be watching for the next few days: "Akeelah and the Bee".

From this, you will respond to one of three short answer essay questions on your mid-term exam.

I gave you a preview of what the questions will pertain to and you took notes. You may start to think and organize a response. However, you may not use your midterm cheat sheet to include any of your prethinking.

Keep studying for the Midterm!

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Tuesday Dec 11

Today we discussed how to address the envelopes for our business letters

Next I gave you a small square-sized handout with the information that will be on your mid-term. We discussed what you can expect to see on it.

You had the remainder of the hour to start making a review sheet.

Monday, December 10, 2007


Today we did a few things: I discussed what you need for tomorrow for the final of the business letter. Next you wrote a reflection on your writing. This was turned in at the end of the hour.

Your final copy of your business letter is due tomorrow. You must bring in 2 copies of the final version (one will be mailed and one will be given to me to grade). You must also bring a stamp and an envelope. Finally, you must also make a copy of the rubric below.

____/ 25 pts. Properly edited (correct spelling/punctuation/grammar)
____/ 24 pts. 8 Parts of the Business Letter (correct format / spacing/ info)
____/ 50 pts. Proper Body (includes proper tone and specific reasons you liked/did not like the product/service
____/ 5pts. Includes the Rubric
_____/ 106 pts. GRAND TOTAL

Friday, December 7, 2007

Friday DEC 7th

Today you had the opportunity to edit your rough drafts of your business letter. Look on the blog Monday for the rubric. Your final copy with the rubric will be due on Tuesday.

Page 531

Thursday, December 6, 2007

THURsDAy DeC 6th

Today I gave a rather long lecture about Business Letters. With the lecture you had a handout and you were to take notes as I spoke.

You need to come to class with a TYPED rough draft of your business letter (the ENTIRE letter, not simply the body of the letter).

Things to remember:

  • proper TONE
  • do NOT ask for anything (coupons, free stuff, etc.)
  • all 8 parts of the business letter
  • the signature should be 4 blank lines (enough for you to personally sign it)

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Wednesday DEC 5

Today you corrected and I collected your Mastery Grade assignment from last night.

Next you took your test.

Make sure you have your business address in class tomorrow. See Monday's entry for the full explanation.

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Tuesday DEC 4th

Today we corrected and collected last night's homework.

Next you had the hour to review and ask questions as needed.

Page 527 and 528 Parts A, B, C, D (it will be corrected/collected tomorrow for a Mastery Grade)

Your test over adverbs/adjectives is tomorrow! Make sure to study!

Monday, December 3, 2007

Monday DEC 3rd

Today we corrected 521, and 524.

Next I talked to you about your next writing assignment. For Thursday you will need an address of the customer service dept. of a company where you have truly liked their product/service or of a company that you have had a problem with their product or service. You will either receive 10 points for having it or a 0 for not having it.

Page 525, answers only
Page 526 Part A and Part B (if the sentences need corrections, correct it and write out the new sentence. If the sentence is already correct, write "Correct")

Looking Ahead:
Monday (see homework above)
Tuesday: an in-class review (will be homework if you do not finish in class)
Wednesday: test over adverbs
Thursday: You will need the mailing address (see directions above). We will have a lecture on how to write a proper business letter.